Firmware / Cosmos

The main version of COSMOS firmware.
(Preinstalled on the factory. You got your COSMOS with the latest main version existing on the date of production.)

A firmware for quadro performance.
If you have two COSMOSes you can arrange them in a quadro-setup using this firmware version that is the counterpart to the main version for a quadro-performance.
Download to the first unit the main version and download to the second unit this version.
The difference with the main version is that here we have other settings for buffer lengths that with the same settings on both units produce in combination with the main version quadro-sound.
Feed both COSMOSes with one input signal.
Outputs of the first COSMOS connect to the front stereo system.
Outputs of the second COSMOS connect to the rear stereo system.
Start your experiments with similar settings on both devices.
Then you can try different combinations of different settings.
Here you can download an audio example of such quadro performance.

A variation of the main version with a pitch function.
In this version, the function of the DRIVE knob is changed for common pitch (speed of record\playback) in all programs.
The maximum is the normal speed (like in the main firmware version). Turning the knob CCW you will go down to 1/2 of the speed (one octave down).
The pitch function is quite lo-fi and creates digital artifacts.

A rhythmic version of COSMOS firmware.
The firmware makes it possible to work with clearly defined tempo and rhythm and contains possibilities of a regular looper.
The difference with the main version is big so this firmware has its own manual that explains the new functions and the differences.

Manuals for the rhythmic version of COSMOS firmware:
COSMOS manual Rhythmic (EN)
COSMOS manual Rhythmic (RU)
COSMOS manual Rhythmic (FR)
COSMOS manual Rhythmic (CN)

A demo video of the rhythmic firmware:

A variation of the rhythmic firmware version with a pitch function.
In this version, the function of the DRIVE knob is changed for common pitch (speed of record\playback) in all programs.
The maximum is the normal speed (like in the main firmware version). Turning the knob CCW you will go down to 1/2 of the speed (one octave down).
The pitch function is quite lo-fi and creates digital artifacts.

In the main manual, you can find how to download firmware to COSMOS.

* All firmware updates since V1.0 in all firmware versions are fixing of some rare bugs we discovered and general reliability improvement. The sound design and functionality of Cosmos remain the same.

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