User-generated content on SOMA YouTube

Dear SOMA friends,

We know how much dope content you create with our equipment. And also we often receive messages from you asking us to share your videos on our communication channels, so we decided to create an entire direction for this: a user-generated content section on the official SOMA YouTube channel.

If you would like to share your video through YouTube SOMA, a guide to posting videos, as well as an application form, can be found below. We are going to post no more than 1 video per day.
SOMA team

1. Order of Publications. Any Community member is limited to one video a week.

2. Subject Matter. There is no stylistic limitation. The author is supposed to use any SOMA device (including COSMOS) as one of the main instruments in the making of the composition.

3. Duration. A video duration is limited to 10 minutes.

4. Additional Information is welcome: patching, list of instruments and sound equipment, their settings etc. Doing so a musician not just publishes a video, but also contributes to the Community and shares knowledge with the world and other musicians.

5. Meaningfulness of the publishing video is also welcome. There is a lot of SOMA instruments performances on the YouTube these days. Try to reveal the instrument from a new perspective, show new techniques or how to tweak an interesting sound. It can also be a well-thought-out finished composition. Ask yourself if your performance is meaningful and brings something valuable to the world.

6. Video Specifications. Try to adhere to the general recommendations for YouTube video creation. The main requirements: .mp4 or .mov video container, h264, h265 codec; video resolution – Full HD, UltraHD, 4K; video aspect ratio 1,78 (16:9), 1,85 (Flat), 2,35 (Scope), 4:3, 1:1; sound AAC or WAV. There might be issues when uploading videos on YouTube if video specifications differ from those above.

7. Files Upload. Please upload your files to any available file-sharing service (DropBox, Yandex.Disk, WeTransfer etc.) and send the link to the Channel Administrator. In addition to video and video cover we would ask you to write us a video name, video description and key-words to fill this information in corresponding YouTube forms. We can also publish a permanent link in video description to your pdf-files with additional information relevant to this video (patching, list of instruments and sound equipment, their settings etc.) if you have any.

8. Video Cover. You need to attach a video cover .jpeg file with resolution of 1920х1080 pixels and file size under 2 MB.

9.  Rejection of Publication. Please, NO politics, violence, propaganda of psychoactive substances, exclusiveness of any group of people etc. This is the Channel of the musical Community devoted solely to Music. We may refuse to post your video.

Please, notice: by filling out this form, you agree to our privacy policy.

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