DESCRIPTION / Harvezi Hazze

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Harvezi Hazze — a versatile and quite unique distortion pedal with a wide tonal palette.

The heart of Harvezi Hazze is a waveshaper designed around a unijunction transistor, a relic from the early days of the semiconductor industry.

The unique properties of the unijunction transistor allow one simple component to replace a number of complex devices: depending on the operating mode, we can get a distortion, a limiter, a waveshaper and a generator — with a smooth transition between them.

The signal chain of the unit consists of an optical compressor with fixed parameters; a dual-mode distorting amplifier with either softer or harsher clipping; a waveshaper built around a unijunction transistor; and a tone stack section trying to tame all this mess.

Harvezi Hazze works perfectly with guitar, bass, drums and synthesizers.

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