Price & availability / Dvina

DVINA Serial is manufactured in Kazakhstan, DVINA Custom is manufactured in Russia.

The price:

For DVINA Serial orders from SOMA EU:
750  EUR. SOMA EU distributes DVINA made in Kazakhstan worldwide. The ex-Poland price for the end customer, including all important costs (transport, bank fees, customs duties, customs clearance) is EUR 750 net.
If you would like to order DVINA Serial from SOMA EU, please email us at [email protected] with the subject “DVINA Order” and your full name alongside the country of delivery.

For DVINA Serial orders from SOMA RU:
550 EUR (without VAT, shipping, customs, money transfer expenses). This is the initial price of DVINA without any additional options.
If you would like to order DVINA Serial from SOMA RU, please email us at [email protected] with the subject “DVINA Order” and your full name alongside the country of delivery.

DVINA Custom is available for order only from SOMA RU. The cost of DVINA CUSTOM in the basic configuration — 550 euros (without VAT, shipping, customs, money transfer expenses).

If you would like to order DVINA Custom, please email us at [email protected] with the subject “DVINA Order” and your full name alongside the country of delivery. Note that DVINA is a completely hand-made custom instrument, so please allow from 10 to 30 days of the production time after the payment has been received.

DVINA Serial comes in a reliable semi-hard case and includes strap locks and an M6 screw for attaching the crossbar to the bar.

DVINA Custom comes with a soft case and tube. The color, other design options and configurations of the DVINA Custom are determined by the Customer in agreement with the master.

Bow not included.

The total price including shipping and handling to most countries, payment transfer fees and VAT depends on the country of delivery. We will specify the exact price when we receive your shipping address. Please, note that we can’t estimate your country’s customs fees and local duties and aren’t responsible for your local customs processing.

As some of our clients can’t get our emails due to spam and ad filters, we recommend to provide us with an additional way of communication (FB Messenger, WhatsApp, Viber etc.) which we can use in case we are unable to reach you via e-mail. We respect your privacy, so none of these will be used or distributed in any way.

Hard case for DVINA Serial:

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Tube and soft case for DVINA Custom:

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Payment can be made safely and securely with Credit Card, PayPal or Bank Transfer.

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