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      Hi everyone,
      Decided to register for this forum because I was having an issue with my Lyra 8 LFO mod toggle, but I figured it out while writing about it and did not post my help request :^)

      Just wanted to give a quick hello to everyone on here and a little intro of myself. Had a little bit of formal training as a tenor sax player in Jr High. Stopped til I got out of high school and started working on my own music in the late 90’s. Mainly played a 3 string guitar and wrote «murder ballad» type songs without understanding that was a real genre. Got into noise music by way of NIN, Sonic Youth and Beck. Bounced between making noise music and singer-song writer stuff. Eventually got a 4 track tape recorder and actually progressed as a musician. Never really played with anyone because what I was doing was either weird or bad.

      Eventually joined my friend’s experimental-dance band as a bassist after art college. I learned a lot about how to make music and interpersonal dynamics. It was an amazing 6 years. Played in a fake grind core band for a while. Toured as a secondary guitarist in another band for a couple of years.
      Currently a bassist in a sad rock band and also one half of a duo that was mainly experimental but now has entered the dance realm :^)
      My own music is now more electronic since I was able to get more synths and effects units.

      Its really fun getting to understand how the Lyra works. Mainly have been using it as a rhythmic drone device and a low end generator. Everything about it really speaks to me on a deeper level. Love the individual tuned oscillators, the contact points and the cross modulations. I am super stoked to eventually get the pulsar 23 and have my mind get bent. I feel fortunate to be able to benefit from Vlad’s motivations and creations. It’s really weird to have someone make instruments that actually feel like an extension of my needs.

      I’m looking forward to getting other Soma people and how you got to here.

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