Raga – the death of my father

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Home Forums PROJECTS SOMA VISUAL RESEARCH LABORATORY Raga – the death of my father

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  • #5454 Reply

    Anders Børup

      A raga about the death of my father.
      Played live on LYRA-8 with a few notes on the Phenol at the end.

      The film is made by microscope investigations of rocks and stones.




      #5466 Reply


        Full of beauty and power – thank you for sharing!

        Do you mind telling us a little more about what sort of equipment you are using? What stones / minerals are you filming? Do you have interest in making more?

        #5566 Reply

        Anders Børup

          What a delight to receive feedback. Thank you!

          The stones and minerals are more or less randomly picked. I tend to collect stones that I like. I have an old microscope and a microscope USB-camera that fits into a standard microscope tube. Because a traditional microscope has a very narrow depth of field, I get these lines of sharpness when I focus in/out. Something glittering/transparent is by far the easiest to get image from when using the microscope.

          After recording different stones, I created the video in Final Cut X – using different blending modes, finding the right clips to match and fit the music.

          I always create videos this way: First the music: always improvisation + only a bit of mixing/editing afterwards. Then the video:  Images/footage/a story inspired by the music + heavy editing to make it fit – an improvised beginning with iterations and experimentation moving towards a tight integration with the music – while still leaving plenty of ’empty spaces’ for the viewer and myself to make sense of it.

          Here are three other videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iTiXug1WEQI&list=PLWm_9zk-dqX29ruR450tD1kN2DyvctVuW 

          #6350 Reply


            This is really beautiful and your process is really interesting.  I also enjoy working in the extreme macro side of things, it’s calming to focus so hard on something.  I hope that the process of composition, both visual and sonic, has helped you to process your loss.

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