Buzz on Mix in + DLY / RVB ?

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Home Forums Instruments PULSAR-23 Buzz on Mix in + DLY / RVB ?

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  • #13147 Reply

    Nathanoj Namlies

      Hi there,

      I’m new to the Pulsar 23 and so to this forum, and as i just bought a used equipment with 48H for test, i was wondering if anyone could reply quite fast to this question : is it normal that finger on pin MIX IN and DLY/RVB produces a buzz ?

      As i was watching Vlad’s video, i felt like the answer was NO. But please let me know.

      Help on that would be much appreciated !

      Cheers to the community,


      #13373 Reply



        I have the same problem. when I patch with my finger i have a buzz noise. when i do with cables works fine.

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