Bug Report: 9-voice polyphony engine

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Home Forums Instruments TERRA Bug Report: 9-voice polyphony engine

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  • #14709 Reply


      Play voices 1 through 9 all at the same time and hold them. Then touching voice 10,11 or 12 will cause the Terra to go silent and lock up.

      #14711 Reply


        Thank you for your report. Do you know which version of the firmware you have installed?

        If it’s possible to replicate it, please record a video of you loading the engine and then going through the steps to make it freeze. It would help us with finding the solution.

        Please send it to [email protected] along with the serial number of your Terra.

        #14712 Reply


          Actually we were able to locate the culprit already and are working on the fix, which will be included in a firmware update.

          Thanks again for your helpful report!

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