Creating drum sticks to trigger voices

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Home Forums Instruments PULSAR-23 Creating drum sticks to trigger voices

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  • #7934 Reply



      Forgive me if this is obvious and or dubious, but I’m trying to figure out a way to ‘play’ the drum voices with metal drum sticks as the triggers, a la Kraftwerk and their metal drum sticks onto metal pads to trigger a drum machine.

      I tried using the banana clip to do it, but couldn’t get it it to register, can the hive mind think of any way to make this work?

      The Pulsar 23 is easily one of the most inspiring instruments I’ve ever come across, so jazzed to have one.

      -Michael Benjamin Lerner /// Telekinesis

      #7943 Reply


        Вы можете сделать что-то похожее на видео здесь:

        Вам придется надеть перчатки, которые изолируют руки от сигнала, как на видео.

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