Quantum Ocean

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Home Forums Instruments QUANTUM OCEAN Quantum Ocean

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  • #8314 Reply

    altostratus code

      Day 1.  I sat in the sound.  Experimented with different volume levels and the sensors and just listened to the layers.  I found the space above the layers and at the base.  I listened in front of me and behind me.

      #8315 Reply

      altostratus code

        Day 2.

        I live by the ocean.  It is a source of inspiration and joy for me.  When I listened today I heard 5 distinct layers of sound.

        The top sound I decided was gratitude.  I listened and felt a feeling of gratitude within me.

        The next sound I called Joy.  I listened to it and felt a sense of joy within me.

        The soft sounds on the edges of the ocean gave me a sense of peace.  I listened to it and felt peace.

        The deep sound in the center I decided was Love.  I focused on this sound and felt love.

        I then listened to each sound in pairs, then trios, and then I pulled back  listened to the whole sound and felt Bliss.

        #8317 Reply

        altostratus code

          Day 3.

          Navigation.  I imagined moving into the different layers of sound in all directions, listening the the central spots as well as the corners and the edges.


          Im starting to detect harmonics from the layers.

          #8318 Reply

          altostratus code

            Day 4.

            Woke up and dove in.  I felt connected to a flow.  I look forward to a day of flow as I move through each task.

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