Reply To: User feedback – thoughts exchange

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Mikhail Medvedev

    Recently got my Terra. The moment I’ve been dreaming about for 2 years…!

    1) Really surprised that there is no way to change the Delay Feedback… It is so common to any Delay that I first thought that I missed something in the manual… I can change the Delay Tempo, the Mix, but not the amount of the repetitions which makes this effect in many cases unusable… Can there be a solution to it? Or am I missing something?

    2) The thing I thought about when Terra was just released – it would be very handy for performances to have a possibility to change banks and presets via midi messages – many keaboards have that function with separate dedicated knobs – so that one could change presets fast while playing on stage. It could a very handy feature that doesn’t go against the Terra concept.

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