Reply To: Quantization? why in this video he said there is no quantization

Home Forums Instruments PULSAR-23 Quantization? why in this video he said there is no quantization Reply To: Quantization? why in this video he said there is no quantization



    not sure Nick knew at the time we had a quantize function 🙂

    From the user manual page 10:

    BANK + L + M + one of the sensors (ADD or DEL) of the desired LR channel — will quantize the content of the channel to 16 notes. The LR will stop when this operation is performed. To start it again, use the start function. For the quantize function to work correctly, please make sure that the LR is aligned with the clock dividers!! To do this, press the RST button on the CLOCK module before recording, and\or connect the LRST pin to the 0.25 output of the clock divider, and use a metronome during the recording!

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