Reply To: Difficulty getting Pulsar-23 synced to Midi stop/start

Home Forums Instruments PULSAR-23 Difficulty getting Pulsar-23 synced to Midi stop/start Reply To: Difficulty getting Pulsar-23 synced to Midi stop/start




    What you describe is normal behavior for the pulsar as it doesn’t handle transport messages (start/stop). Once the pulsar receives clock via MIDI it will continue to play at the set tempo. There are a couple ways to make the clock start and stop on command.

    A.) Use an analog pulse/clock that you can stop and run it to the pulsar clock input pin.

    B.)Use a step sequencer with MIDI out, assign a pattern/sequence to one of the midi to cv pins on the pulsar (the 4 pins labeled KTR1,2,3,4 on the left of the pulsar) then run that pin to the clock input. (Try placing a step in every step of a 16/16 pattern etc then running to pulsar)

    Using either of these methods you will need to hit the RST button in the clock divider array section to make sure the pulsar starts at the beginning of the pattern (if so desired).



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