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Home Forums Instruments PULSAR-23 Calibration

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  • #14564 Reply


      Is there any documentation about internal adjustable resistors (trimmers) and potentiometers I could tweak to change the sound of my Pulsar-23? The unit I have doesn’t sound as good as a unit I played with a Superbooth. Is there anything I can do about it?


      #14565 Reply


        Hi Max,

        All Pulsars are factory calibrated exactly the same. There are no different sounding Pulsars, other than the slight variances that all analog instruments have due to their analog nature and components. We don’t have any documentation available on changing Pulsar sound internally.

        That said, how one subjectively perceives the sound of an instrument is influenced by a number of factors, including the different environment, different headphones on which you listened to it, and maybe the person before you had patched and dialed in some really amazing sounds:)

        However, if you are concerned with a particular aspect of your Pulsar, please record a video and send it to Soma customer support at [email protected] and one of our engineers will check it out! Please include the serial number as well.

        #14647 Reply


          Thanks for the reply. At Superbooth 24 Vlad told me that I’m not crazy, and they units can sound different — as you say — due to the different nature of analog components.

          I see there are some variable pots on the boards. But you’re unable to share


          #14648 Reply


            sorry , double posted

            #14649 Reply


              Yes, we don’t want Pulsar owners to mess around with internal trim pots, as this is precise work done by experienced engineers in our factory according to our standards and limits. Any internal changes you make are at your own risk and we recommend against customers doing this.

              As I wrote in the previous answer, you are most welcome to record a video of your Pulsar and submit it to [email protected], along with the following information, so our Pulsar engineer can have a look at it:

              So we can understand what you mean by different or not as good, please describe in detail which module(s) and which functions/knobs you feel sound different and how it sounds different. Please make a video with clear audio (not a phone recording) so we can hear it while you demonstrate it, and where we see the knob settings and alligator connections. We also need the serial number of your Pulsar.

              Without this information and video it’s difficult to say anything about your particular Pulsar. It’s possible it could be worth it for you to send in your Pulsar to our factory for recalibration, or that our engineer indicates that it sounds very similar to or the same as our other Pulsars in the factory.

              We look forward to your email and video!

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