click noise upper sensor click noise

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Home Forums Instruments THE PIPE click noise upper sensor click noise

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  • #8432 Reply


      when  my finger so only touches the upper sensor, a background noise is heard (quite loud), as if there was a grounding problem… and it stays more loud when im playing and using effects any idea?

      #8433 Reply


        when i touch the Additional FX touch sensor it happens and im touching the the 2 suports like point 6 on the manual

        #8434 Reply

          #8508 Reply


            I’m assuming this is only on one algorithm?

            Can you post your knob settings and which algorithm you’re using please?

            #14653 Reply


              Hi there!

              Did you find a solution ? I tried three Pipes now, and there is a strong humming noise every time I put the finger on the FX pad OR switch on the switch. (Yes, I tried “wet fingers”, too 🙂  This is a continuous noise, which is especially audible when there is no input through the mic, i.e when you pause with the fx switch engaged or your finger on the pad. Tried different cables, different setups, even grounded the pipe with a screw to my home wiring  and extra cable etc. It is just there, in every algorithm.

              When using the microphone and pressing the pad or with the FX switch engaged, I am only getting a week crackling sound. The humming noise is just there during pauses, as mentioned above.

              So, if this is just a normal issue (which I assume, having had it on three devices), I can live with that one, I only want to make sure my pipe is ok.

              #14654 Reply


                Hi Thomas!

                Since you tried three Pipes probably it’s normal behavior. If you want to know for sure, please record a video which our engineers can analyze, and send it to [email protected]. It’s best if the audio is recorded to your computer or recorder, and not from your phone. Please use Pipe to create some sounds, so we get an impression of sound levels  compared to background noise.

                Our engineer will compare it to other Pipes and let you know if the noise is normal or not.

                #14724 Reply


                  Hi everyone, I also have the same problem on the lio pipe. when I press the fx button I hear a sine wave noise. I was doing the return exactly for this reason. May I know if this is normal behavior? Thank you

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