Crackle and squealing from Pulsar

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Home Forums Instruments PULSAR-23 Crackle and squealing from Pulsar

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  • #12001 Reply

    Ten Toes From Here To There

      Hey people,

      Since I’ve had my Pulsar-23 there has always been this consistent crackle emanating from the unit, it has no particular regularity and sometimes slows down and then speeds up again but is always present. It becomes increasingly frustrating when I layer each separate module with the master out on my mixing desk.. Anyone experience this? Is it just inherent to the machine, or could there be something faulty with my unit? Of course the crackle is quite low in volume but it is noticeable and annoying nonetheless.

      Thanks in advance,


      #12025 Reply



        It’s an analog machine so some noise and clicks are to be expected, but none of this should be audible in the mix at normal volume levels. If you think there is something wrong with your Pulsar, please contact Soma customer support at [email protected]. It’s important you include clear video or audio files that can be analyzed, along with a description of all connections.

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