Dynamic sensor sensitivity

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Home Forums Instruments TERRA Dynamic sensor sensitivity

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  • #13328 Reply



      I’ve recently purchased the Terra and noticed that the dynamic sensors A-B-C-D vary wildly in their sensitivity. Have confirmed this by controlling a VST synth and seeing the behaviour visually.

      C seems the most sensible, B and D are a bit more sensitive, however A is near unusable in being oversensitive.

      This behaviour is also very apparent just playing the instrument on its own.

      Another example, pushing the sensors from the side with the same finger. 3 of them end up end up a bit past half but can never be fully “pushed”, A ends up being fully pushed easily.

      Is this expected behavior?

      #13553 Reply



        Please install the latest firmware, it has improved the sensor behavior and should solve things like this. If the issue persists after firmware update, please record a video where you demonstrate this behavior and send it to somasynths@gmail.com

        #13781 Reply


          BCD seem a little more sensitive, but agree on A…it’s almost unusable…

          What does it seem like to everyone after the latest update?

          #13912 Reply


            I would also like to be able to set the sensitivity on de modulation sensors myself (and save it with the preset) as some of the more dramatic modulations can go from subtle warping to complete mayhem within a hair’s breadth which is not always desired, especially when playing subtle ambient style music where a little feedback is great but complete destruction ruins the atmosphere. I can imagine this works like the Gyro Sensitivity, so press one of the A-D sensors, the ‘G’ sensor and then pick a value on the pyramid?

            #14069 Reply

            Clarke Robinson

              From day 1, I found sensor A almost laughably oversensitive. I agree with naptronix, the ability to adjust the sensitivity of each sensor (similar to how you can with the gyroscope) would be useful.

              #14071 Reply


                This is essential IMO…

                #14098 Reply


                  Yes I’d like to have that, too. napotronix idea is great!

                  #14104 Reply

                  Bernhard Schimpelsberger

                    I join the chorus!

                    the FX A-D are classy but too sensitive while performing in the heat of the moment.

                    i think the musicality would greatly improve if they can be dialed down are per desired for each preset.


                    you wonderful people at Soma, you have created a magic box. It would be wonderful if this update could be realised somehow.

                    thank you!

                    #14105 Reply


                      I contacted Soma/Vlad about this, but unfortunately it doesn’t seem possible due to memory constraints:

                      “Unfortunately the Terra internal drive is already full with presets data as it is now.
                      Adding the new parameters to each preset that needs to be stored requires memory space that we, unfortunately, don’t have.
                      It just could be possible to add general sensitivity adjustment for ABCD for all algs without storing in memory as it is done with pitch bend sensor.
                      Generally, making this system, I assumed that the performer will train himself to manage ABCD sensors in the way that he alway has the full range but uses just the necessary part of it.
                      As we do with acoustic instruments. It is a longer learning process but more capabilities of expression in the end.”

                      #14119 Reply


                        “Generally, making this system, I assumed that the performer will train himself to manage ABCD sensors in the way that he alway has the full range but uses just the necessary part of it.
                        As we do with acoustic instruments. It is a longer learning process but more capabilities of expression in the end.”

                        I appreciate the sentiment, but in a lot of most instances, it makes it unplayable.

                        Does Vlad think the range on A is ok? It should be in a controllable musical range. In the present configuration, it’s completely unusable.

                        If you can do it, pls change the sensitivity of the sensors – or at least an option.

                        #14120 Reply


                          “Generally, making this system, I assumed that the performer will train himself to manage ABCD sensors in the way that he alway has the full range but uses just the necessary part of it.
                          As we do with acoustic instruments. It is a longer learning process but more capabilities of expression in the end.”

                          I appreciate the sentiment, but in a lot of most instances, it makes it unplayable.

                          Does Vlad think the range on A is ok? It should be in a controllable musical range. In the present configuration, it’s completely unusable.

                          If you can do it, pls change the sensitivity of the sensors – or at least an option.

                          #14121 Reply


                            “Generally, making this system, I assumed that the performer will train himself to manage ABCD sensors in the way that he alway has the full range but uses just the necessary part of it.
                            As we do with acoustic instruments. It is a longer learning process but more capabilities of expression in the end.”

                            I appreciate the sentiment, but in a lot of most instances, it makes it unplayable.

                            Does Vlad think the range on A is ok? It should be in a controllable musical range. In the present configuration, it’s completely unusable.

                            If you can do it, pls change the sensitivity of the sensors – or at least an option.

                            #14122 Reply


                              Haha…dont know what happened there…the page timed out…

                              Anyhow, it needs to happen that badly that I SAID IT 3 TIMES!!!!



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