Entire loop affected by change of Algorithm

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Home Forums Instruments COSMOS Entire loop affected by change of Algorithm

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  • #13360 Reply

    Jonathan Schou

      Something have occurred, and I don’t know what seems to be the problem…
      When I record a loop in a algorithm (fx. “Two Delays”), and want to record another line in a different algorithm (fx. “Granular”); the whole existing loop glitches and starts changing to the new algorithm…

      Usually it is possible to record different algorithms in the same loop, right?

      #14052 Reply


        I just recieved my unit and this is aslo happening to me. would appreciate an explanation, as my understanding this was suppoed to be seamless. Also enagaing reverse glitches the unit. Noting the above was posted in September 2023, so a response would be timely, thanks

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