New P23 – ADD sensors staying on too long… Reverb staying on without cable

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Home Forums Instruments PULSAR-23 New P23 – ADD sensors staying on too long… Reverb staying on without cable

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  • #14594 Reply


      Hi everyone, I thought I would post this here before I take the unit back to the shop in case there is a quick solution…

      issue 1 – ADD sensors stay locked on (same issue on all 4 channels) after being played for a bit, between 10 and 20 seconds of tapping… they stay on for maybe five seconds and then turn off. Almost like the thermal heat from my fingers is acting like a conductor.. Turning the unit off and on again has not fixed the problem.

      issue 2 – I connected two channels to Reverb using the supplied cables. After five minutes of playing I disconnected the cables. The Reverb remained on both channels even with the fx turned down (off). Turning the unit off and on again fixed the problem.

      S/N P23BEU1568

      Hello from Melbourne Australia !


      #14595 Reply


        Actually, come to think of it, both these issues are behaving like there is a capacitance building up in the circuit… Whether it’s because of a current flow redirection from the earthing / resurgence of me via use of the ADD sensors?… Not sure how that works with the Reverb circuit issue though…

        anyway… both issues sound like a repair is required. If I don’t here back from anyone with a solution end of day Europe, I’ll take it back to the shop. Will keep everyone informed.

        #14596 Reply


          Hi Simon,

          For tech support, please record a video where you show all settings on your Pulsar and demonstrate this behavior and send it to [email protected].

          #14610 Reply


            Ok thanks, will do.

            #14623 Reply


              Hi guys, Thomas from Soma has provided what works out to be really easy fixes:

              1. Voices hang if master tempo is at a minimum (simply increase and the issues resolves)

              2. Master FX do not need to be cable-connected to channels to work.

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