Pulsar 23 – Individual Outputs no sound

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Home Forums Instruments PULSAR-23 Pulsar 23 – Individual Outputs no sound

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  • #12110 Reply


      My Pulsar’s main audio output works fine.

      I tried using the individual outputs by using an alligator clip cable on the “out” pin of a voice, and clipped it to 1/4″ pin. However, instead of hearing the voice, I hear a tiny click and then nothing else. If I move the audio cable back to the main summed output, it’s fine.

      Do I need to patch a cable elsewhere to make the individual outputs work? Or do I have a faulty unit?

      #12116 Reply


        Hi Jon,

        Are you connecting your Pulsar to an audio interface? If so, this explanation is likely applicable:

        BD and BASS have 5V bias voltage on their pins. This was done to avoid cutting low frequencies on those channels and let user decide on using High-Pass Filter of his own choosing.

        Your audio interface probably doesn’t filter bias voltage on its own, it basically wants signals with bias voltage around 0V. However it’s getting constant 5 volts + BD/BASS signal, which causes pre-amp oversaturation and results in signal distortion.

        The easiest way to get proper signal is to send BD/BASS signal through 10uF capacitor and then connect it to interface’s input. You can also send it through external High-Pass filter.

        You can try and simulate this effect by
        connecting BD OUT to pin-minijack converter through an element on Pulsar described as “10”. The filtering will occur and it depends on input impedance of Your audio interface, but distortions from oversaturating preamp should disappear.

        If this does not apply to your user case, please contact Soma tech support at [email protected]

        #14478 Reply

        Steven Commander

          I still need help with this! Can you provide pictures or further instruction?


          #14479 Reply


            The easiest way to get proper signal is to send BD/BASS signal through the 10uF capacitor and then connect it to your interface’s input.

            You need to patch the external output of BD or BASS to the input of this capacitor, and the output of the capacitor to the individual output on Pulsar, which you connect to your audio interface.

            The 10uF capacitor is found on the top left of Pulsar, to the left of the Clock section.

            #14616 Reply

            Steven Commander

              Thanks for your help! This worked up to a point; however, when I do that, every channel is routed through each other. When I trigger channel 3, it goes through channel one individual out.

              Thank you again

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