Screw / Bolt size for Pulsar / Ornament / Adapter?

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Home Forums Instruments PULSAR-23 Screw / Bolt size for Pulsar / Ornament / Adapter?

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      I’m preparing to order the Ornament Adapter for my Lyra-8. Initially, I plan to sequence the Lyra via a Korg SQ-64. Later I’ll add the Ornament-8.

      I would like to construct a stable wiring harness between the Adapter and the Korg. One way to do this would be a pair of bolts for each post. Then add ring terminals to each wire running from the Korg which will be sandwiched between the two bolts.

      I understand that alligator clips are the usual way to connect Soma devices together – when I add an Ornament and Pulsar to my studio, I’ll switch to those.

      1. Does this seem like a reasonable approach?

      2. What size bolt is used on the Pulsar / Ornament / Adapter?



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