Stopping internal dialogue – starting out on exercises

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Home Forums Instruments QUANTUM OCEAN Stopping internal dialogue – starting out on exercises

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  • #6147 Reply


      Hello fellow Quantum Divers!


      I’m very excited and grateful to say I have received my Quantum Ocean living icon device!

      I will soon be starting my journey into the exercises.

      While I have read the manual several times before the Quantum Ocean device had arrived to try to learn and prepare myself, I have some questions.

      I hope some of you with more experience would be wiling to share with me and all of those in the same position as me in my present state.

      I have been practicing on stopping or at least having more control over what the manual describes as “internal dialogue” .  This internal dialogue thing I have much of.  I have been practicing just quietly sitting and relaxing and hoping it would slow down or melt away.  It still exists and I can not understand how to go about stopping it. Now that the Quantum Ocean has arrived, I worry that I wasn’t able to stop it before, now I would like to try exercise number one, and I have to put my grasp of this skill at stopping the dialogue to real use in order to begin.

      Mostly it’s negative self talk, internal dialogue, my mind and thoughts wandering,  thinking about external un-controllable factors or events that have happened through out the day or week, focusing on expectations, or non expectations.  Positive and or negative thoughts on my self inner growth, mostly negative. These things are always swirling around in my mind.

      How can I stop such internal dialogue?

      For me it seems so difficult. It’s pretty much the first thing we all need to do in any type of meditation or Quantum Ocean exercise from what I have been reading in the manual.

      Also the manual states I should “sit comfortably” does that mean in a chair or on the floor?  How should I sit?  Does where I sit in the room matter?

      Additionally I was wondering when during the day is the best time to go through these sessions and practice these exercises?  Early morning? Before bed? Late in the night time/evening?  Maybe it would be nice to bookend our day, each day with this practice.

      I was also wondering about duration of the exercises.  How long should an exercise be in listening time?  I know we are to gradually melt into the day and make a soft transition immediately after the practice by spending at least 15 minutes in silence before moving and coming back.  But how do I know when the session should end or wind down?  Should I time myself and give myself parameters to follow?

      Sorry for all of these questions.

      I really would like to start off with the Quantum Ocean on the right foot so to speak and the correct way.

      Thank you all and I look forward to hearing your advice, experiences, and suggestions!


      In appreciation!


      #6149 Reply


        Hello James,

        also being new to these kind of meditation exercises, I have been and still am facing the same ‚problems‘ that you describe in your post.

        To fade out the internal dialogue? Well, it sounds funny, but why don‘t you start by using the QO just for this to begin with.

        For me, it helped lying down. The first time, I even fell asleep, but hey? If that‘s what my body and soul needed? So be it!

        So, lie down, and switch the QO on. Let the sound pull you in. Don’t THINK about what you want to achieve or about any internal dialogue you would like to stop…

        Think about the new world or sphere of sound that embraces you. Listen to the different nuances and rhythms that surround you.

        For me, it helped switching off the internal dialogue!

        Then you can proceed with the exercises.

        Pls let me know, if this was of any help….

        Best regards, Daniel

        Oh about the time schedule… I think, it does not matter.

        If you feel like diving in, then do it. Don’t give yourself in to another enforced outside structure of regulations.

        My sessions always last about 30 minutes, but not because I plan it that way. It just turned out to be my time frame 🙂


        Happy diving!


        #6150 Reply


          Hello Winglad,

          Thank you so much for your response!

          I didn’t even think about using the Quantum Ocean to immediately work on the internal dialogue. This is a good suggestion. I will try this thank you.

          After reading this I gave also realized that perhaps I’m over analyzing all of this process.

          I have been reading and taking notes from the manual so much while waiting  for the Quantum Ocean to arrive. I think that I’m making it too difficult. I will begin and just take it slow and see what happens in the stream.

          I will post my experiences here on the forums, and I hope you do as well. These posts may help others on this journey.

          Thank you again so much for your help and advice!

          Much appreciated!

          Happy diving to you as well!



          #6151 Reply


            Hello Winglad,

            Thank you so much for your response!

            I didn’t even think about using the Quantum Ocean to immediately work on the internal dialogue. This is a good suggestion. I will try this thank you.

            After reading this I have also realized that perhaps I’m over analyzing all of this process.

            I have been reading and taking notes from the manual so much while waiting  for the Quantum Ocean to arrive. I think that I’m making it too difficult. I will begin and just take it slow and see what happens in the stream.

            I will post my experiences here on the forums, and I hope you do as well. These posts may help others on this journey.

            Thank you again so much for your help and advice!

            Much appreciated!

            Happy diving to you as well!



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