Strange behavior of the BD / Bass using individual outputs

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Home Forums Instruments PULSAR-23 Strange behavior of the BD / Bass using individual outputs

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      When I send the BD & Bass thru any of the six 1/4 inch individual output I have a strange behavior with a measurable but not hearable heavy peak in the low-end area.

      To get rid of it I have to high-pass filter the signal.

      Another thing I’ve noticed from time to time is a steady high pitch noise coming from the BD, changing it’s frequency every time when the BD is triggered. To get rid of it I have to turn the Pulsar off & on again.

      This behavior of the BD & Bass is not happening thru the mix output and is only related to the BD & Bass. It´s not happening with the SD or HHT!

      Cabling is unbalanced from the Pulsar to a patchbay (which is internally balanced) and then balanced cabling to my balanced interface.

      Any idea?

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