Syncing to external clock

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Home Forums Instruments PULSAR-23 Syncing to external clock

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  • #14188 Reply


      Hi All,

      Bit of a noob question.

      I’m trying to sync my pulsar 23 with an octatrack mk2. I can ONLY get the Pulsar to recognise the tempo from the OT’s clock out via MIDI but it doesn’t accurately sync further than that e.g. the 16s of the pulsar aren’t synced in time with the OTs 16s. I have to manually trigger the OT “play” to try and get in time with the pulsar. Is there a way to sync the pulsar more accurately to external clock or am I misunderstanding some fundamentals about clock? Thank you!

      #14203 Reply


        Have you tried hitting the RST button in the Pulsar’s clock section to sync it up with your octatrack?

        Another option that I use personally: Some sequencers have the option to stop sending MIDI clock when stop is pressed – I use a keystep with my Pulsar for this purpose.

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