The Thing with the Tuning ^^

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Home Forums Instruments TERRA The Thing with the Tuning ^^

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  • #14187 Reply


      Hello again 🙂

      After using Terra now for quite a while and really a lot especially in live and impro situtations, I really beg you to update the tuning process on Terra. In Impro Situations it is just crucial to be able to switch timbre and / or tuning on the fly independently of another. While I know and understand the current possibilities for loading, saving, editing and creating scales per preset, I still think it would be more than useful to have at least some basic key-layouts quickly loadable at any time. Yes, this can be done with the “load just scale”-combo, but then I’m not able to preserve the key I’m currently playing in. Also it is not possible to load a different engine from another preset without loading the tuning of it.

      I would really really wish for:

      • Option to save / load scales (better say key-layouts) independent of the current key = Pad 1 is always key. (e.g. key combination “tuning fork” + “triangle” should work -> hence just 6 would be enough)
      • Having a global setting to turn off that scales are loaded with presets at all

      Also I thought, it would be useful to be able to use 2 of the rotary encoders to quickly tune Pad 1 on the fly (one for coarse tune, the other for fine tuning). The tuning with the sensors is great for fine tuning! but too slow and tideous for live usage) … and yes I love to tune and detune my other instruments as well on stage 😀

      I’m also looking very much forward to FLUX, but I hope Terra won’t be forgotten on the way 🙂

      Peace and Smiles :))

      #14351 Reply


        So  Terra would need to know the scales correct ? I suppose transpose by half notes up or down does not help you b/c the intervals between sensors change and some become out of key. I’m in process to tweaking A/B/C/D tune setting where A is minor B is the same but Major so If I transpose by full step I’d change from A to B or vice versa. Also I tent to use the 1-4 sensor for bass of lower octave of common chord progressions.  6-4-5-1  1-2-6-5 then I adjust the sensors 5-12 to match the progression

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