ZANZIBAR archive

We are very happy to announce an entirely new project :
SOMA Zanzibar – a resort for smart, creative people that features an extensive cultural program!
After several years of work, we managed to get ourselves a unique place on the ocean shore with a clean, private beach, palms and banana trees. It’s situated on the east coast of Zanzibar island. We fell in love with this place, nature, the local people and culture and we would love to share this joy, friendship and happiness with SOMA customers and followers!
Here you will find SOMA Hotel with cosy, natural-style bungalows with palm tree roofs, a unique music recording studio that will be free of charge for our guests, a multi-cuisine restaurant with healthy food including a vegetarian-vegan menu, along with lots of space for various activities!
We are going to make an environment where creative people can spend their vacation enjoying the ocean and the sun, in a like-minded society where you can find friends, join new projects and collaborations, jam together and have discussions, share your knowledge and learn something useful.
Also, we are going to support the local community and culture which we found amazing, and our plans include many other things that go far beyond a simple resort.
And, of course, above of all, we would love to see our customers among our guests, who share our vision and are ready for crazy experiments and new experience 😉
Welcome to SOMA Paradise!! 🙂

More info soon:)))

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