Frequently Asked Questions / PULSAR-23

TS or TRS, main output balanced or unbalanced?PULSAR has unbalanced outputs, so as a rule of thumb it’s better to use TS jacks. The ground is carried by the sleeve of the TS jack, while the tip is carrying the signal, so no additional cables are needed, although if you connect something with crocodile clips you have to connect the grounds of the devices, because crocodile carries only signal and no ground. The sound that you route to individual out will not be removed from main out. All outputs are mono, in case of headphones it is the same signal going to both left and right channels.
Glitchy BASS or BD channel, individual outputs not working correctly with audio interface/mixer.BD and BASS have 5V bias voltage on their pins. This was done to avoid cutting low frequencies on those channels and let the user decide on using a High-Pass Filter of their own choosing. Some audio interfaces don’t filter bias voltage on their own, it basically wants signals with bias voltage around 0V. However it’s getting a constant 5 volts + BD/BASS signal, which causes preamp oversaturation and results in signal distortion.

The easiest way to get a proper signal is to send the BD or BASS signal through PULSAR’s 10uF capacitor and then connect it to the interface’s input. You can also send it through an external High-Pass filter.
Are the 6 jack outputs hotter than the main out?Yes. These outputs have no amplifiers or attenuators. If it’s too hot for your mixer, use the PULSAR attenuators.
EXT Inputs not working like MIX IN.When you connect an external signal to EXT IN pin in any channel, it basically adds it to the channel’s  waveform. So it’s a very simple mixer. This happens before envelope VCA, so you won’t hear anything unless you trigger the desired channel. Also, please note that in some channels external signal could dominate over the original waveform, so it’s better to connect it through an attenuator.
When triggering from Eurorack module, I don’t get full velocityPULSAR requires 10V for full velocity, Eurorack typically sends 5V. You have to boost the signal, not just offset the range to 5-10V. You have to be able to send 0-10V. You can use PULSAR-23 UTILITIES for this purpose.
Hanging voices.Clock tempo at its minimum setting can cause voices to hang. Increase the tempo beyond its minimum setting to stop hanging voices.
Is it normal that when I power up the PULSAR, the SD module takes longer
time to play and hear the sound than the BD, Bass and HH modules?
Yes. The SD module requires 20-60 seconds after powering on PULSAR before it will work correctly.
SD double trigger/SD sounds broken.The SD module has a snare drum and a clap sound: the CLAP function creates a clap sound by splitting the attack of the sound. With CLAP knob at max setting can cause it to miss short hits especially when you repeatedly tap the ADD sensor. Reduce the CLAP knob to 50-70%. PULSAR-23 in-depth explanation SNARE DRUM the clap is explained at 2:40.
CLAP function on the SD module unresponsive to triggers or gates.The clap parameter is only triggered by the ADD sensor or MIDI. It responds only to high note velocities (from 113 to 127), below that the Clap function doesn’t activate. Touching the ADD sensor is equivalent to sending a note with maximum velocity, that’s why Clap always triggers in this manner.
Why do the VCAs and INV always send a current?It’s normal, the offset is needed in order to work with PULSAR correctly. You can eliminate the offset by using a capacitor on PULSAR.
Bass drum phasing.PULSAR-23 is set to classic PULSAR mode when it comes from the factory. This is normal and intended behaviour in order to create a more lively moving kick sound. The effect is caused by the absence of waveform retriggering in the BD generator.
If you would like the waveform to retrigger for each hit, this is possible by flipping a switch on the BD board inside PULSAR. To access the switch, unplug PULSAR from power, remove the eight screws on the back, lift up the backplate and locate the BD PCB inside. The switch is located in a corner. Flip the switch to the up position, marked as STAB. The BD oscillator will now restart on each BD trigger, resulting in an identical kick sound.
MIDI clicking noise.This clicking sound is normal in PULSAR — it is typical when Attack time is at minimum. It results in a really sharp transient of the envelope that modulates BD sound which results in a click. Distortion/drive emphasises it. Those audible clicks are normal and present in every unit. They are gate signal sharp rising and falling edges bleeding to the audio channels. Clicks appear only in PULSAR’s internal mixer, so they shouldn’t be present on the channel’s OUT pin or for external mixing.
MIDI stop/start not working.PULSAR-23 does not manage midi start/stop. In external midi mode it starts as soon as it receives a running clock so the behaviour depends on the sequencer that controls it. Some send the clock only while the sequencer is running (like Ableton) others send continuously the clock while they’re on (like Elektrons, 505, etc) so it will trigger the PULSAR as soon as it is connected and turned on.
MIDI problem with Elektron DIGITAKT.PULSAR doesn’t work properly with Digitakt AUTO midi channel enabled. It needs to be turned off.
MIDI problem with OXI One or Torso T1.Make sure all other MIDI channels are muted, except the one you want to control the PULSAR voice with. When learning a midi track on the PULSAR, all other midi tracks have to be muted. So for example if you want the kick drum module to learn Track 1 in multitrack mode then you have to simply mute all other tracks on the multitrack grid first, then you can proceed with learning that track and it works like a charm! These sequencers are doing something in the background that confuses PULSAR, hence why you have to mute each track.
I want to buy a new PSU, what do I need?DC 12V, center positive polarity (plus in the center), 2.1mm barrel, 0.5A or higher, high-quality switching power supply.
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