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    Okay I just discovered this. Using that first idea with the switch to “uncouple” the module decay time from the actual length of the triggered audio here’s a really decent sounding Karplus Strong Patch for you to try:

    Snare Settings: Snare module volume, FX, and attack at zero and BPF, MIX, and TUNE to taste. Use this as the white noise exciter.

    Delay Settings: DLY in BPF mode and volume up.

    Snare TRIG out to CV of SWITCH

    Snare ENV out to FB of DELAY

    Snare OUT to SWITCH IN


    Tap in a snare pattern to get some short noise triggers sent to the delay.

    Tune the delay TIME and TUNE to a low value (somewhere around 9 oclock) and turn up the feedback until it starts oscillating.

    Now turn up the release time on the snare module to finely control the amount of feedback on the delay module. By patching a decaying CV source you effectively “decay the decay time” of the oscillator. With a short attack it’ll self oscillate at first then decay away rapidly so now you have better control over the resonating length of the signal.

    Tweak snare parameters to experiment with different exciter sources. Mix in dry snare. Send the dry snare to the fx. Send the DELAY OUT to the REVERB IN or patch it into the EXT in of another synth or something. Switch the Delay to DBL mode and tweak parameters to get a different string type. And so on.

    I think the trick here is you get the benefits of the high feedback for different tones but then the ENV keeps it from getting out of control by decaying the feedback away. This trick is probably useful for other applications.

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