Background ticking noise from incoming midi notes

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Home Forums Instruments PULSAR-23 Background ticking noise from incoming midi notes

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      Hello everyone, I have just bought my Pulsar 23 so i am very new.. i was very happy to start using it but I have a problem that I cannot solve, when I connect my Digitakt to the Pulsar I have noticed that even if the volume of the 4 voices is all turned down I hear this annoying noise coming from the midi notes, its like a ticking noise..i can hear that its the total of the incoming midi notes of the 4 channels, i can also hear it in the mix when the volume of the 4 voices is higher I am sure that is relateed to midi because the noise stops when I disconnect the cable, I have tried different sequencers, different midi cables, but I have not solved it. Also i did try to reset the midi learn as mentioned in the manual, I’ve already asked Soma support and I’m waiting for an answer, I hope you can help me figure out how to solve it, I’m afraid it’s faulty, I’ve never had a problem like this with midi




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