Bass channel dead?

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Home Forums Instruments PULSAR-23 Bass channel dead?

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  • #12818 Reply


      Sadly, the bass channel on my Pulsar 23 suddenly is not working as it has been.

      I have no patch cables connected.

      Attack, release, and tuning seemingly have no effect. (Warp and the filters do effect the sound… but the oscillator seems dead. The output when manually pressing the ADD key is a low rumble… sounds like a very low frequency sawtooth rumble. (Again, Tune has no effect)

      Can you advise? (All 3 other channels are working normally)

      (I’ve done very little patching on this unit fwiw… was really just finding my way around.)

      #12819 Reply


        Please check the switch on the bass channel to make sure you don’t have it set to MIDI mode.

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