controlling gates and vca’s (of pulsar) with Ornament 8 clicks

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Home Forums Instruments ORNAMENT-8 controlling gates and vca’s (of pulsar) with Ornament 8 clicks

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  • #13587 Reply


      Today I had an Idea for a Patch (for Ornament8 and Pulsar23) which main thing should be, that Ornament 8 opens and closes Pulsars signal paths by opening and closing Pulsars vca’s or gates.
      for example: BD OUT to GATE IN – Gate OUT to DLY IN and GATE CV controlled by Ornaments PULSAR or CV Pin.
      But every time Ornaments cell activity ends it produces a horrible click.
      Why is that? Is that a misstake of my Ornament 8? and is there a way to avoid it?

      thank you very much for your help!

      luv and hugs,

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