creating uneven beats / odd-numbered beats (rhythms)

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Home Forums Instruments PULSAR-23 creating uneven beats / odd-numbered beats (rhythms)

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  • #13205 Reply


      Is there a way to get repeating pulses in a 3/4 or even in a 5/4, 7/4 or 9/4 rhythm?

      For example:
      I play a arpeggio in a 3/4 rhythm from a external Synth, sending the clock via cv to pulsar.
      How could i trigger a Kick on every first of three pulses? (or even on ever fifth, seventh, ninght.)

      Has anyone a patch arround, may using inverters to cancel out pulses or so??? any ideas?

      the clock devider is only devided in even numbers. thats sad, because uneven/odd-numbered rhythms would implement a lot of not western cultured rhythms.

      greeez, e

      #13207 Reply


        Pulsar buddy hasn’t been available for quite a while I think…

        1) The looper record allows recording in any time signature, and you can quantize it afterwards.

        2) The SHAOS module can sequence odd number beats and less predictable drum patterns.

        Please check Vlad’s video:

        and here’s another one:



        #13206 Reply


          Have you seen this?:


          Pretty much exactly what you’re looking for.

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