Dumb, muddy and low level sound when “Sharp” is set to “0”

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Home Forums Instruments LYRA-8 Dumb, muddy and low level sound when “Sharp” is set to “0”

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      Hello all Lyra-8 addictives!

      I bought a used Lyra-8 (luckily very cheap!) and became addictive too, this beautiful Machine is phenomenal!

      But – It seems I was a bit too eager and opened the housing to see how it looks inside.

      I came across a bent leg of an Transistor that had built a bridge to another leg of itself. I bent it away so it does not touch the other leg as it should be and cleaned the boards from dust with a brush. After completing i closed the housing and started the Lyra-8.

      Everything seemed to work, but I found out when turning the “Sharp”-knobs down to “0” (zero, fully ccw), that the sound of the oscillator becomes muddy, dumb and very low, even when all other knobs, potis are set to 0. This behaviour happens at every oscillator. I know that this wasn’t the case before I had put my hands on it.

      Now my question is: Is this muddy, dumb and low level sound normal when the “Sharp”-knobs are turned counter clockwise?

      Also the oscillator tuning is a little tricky and the tones often sound “whining”and not very stable.

      I appreciate all suggestions, tips and info!



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