Greeting to Quantum Divers

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Home Forums Instruments QUANTUM OCEAN Greeting to Quantum Divers

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  • #2851 Reply

    Vlad Kreimer

      Hello, dear researcher who dares to seek freedom going beyond the known!:)
      Here you can post your experience, making a kind of diary of your practice, get answers on your questions and discuss all things connected with QO, the practice and everything around the phenomena and the topic!

      I hope we will make here a community of people who are interested in inner research and development and get a lot of benefits and fun!!

      #8313 Reply

      altostratus code

        I got lost in the sound.  The sun started to set. I stopped the dialog.  I was still.  Only came back because my dog wanted to be fed and started barking at me.

        #14116 Reply


          Vlad, thank you so much for creating and releasing QO. I just discovered it and received mine. It is so rich, deep and multilayered. Great idea to have the forum, although it is pretty quiet. This will be a great adventure!

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