How to use a mono pedal with Terra’s stereo output.

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Home Forums Instruments TERRA How to use a mono pedal with Terra’s stereo output.

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  • #13440 Reply


      Hi all, new Terra user here. And I don’t have much experience with guitar pedals either and I’m not sure how people normally handle transitioning from a stereo signal out to a mono input.

      What I have is a mono looper pedal (Blooper by Chase Bliss). Would it be best to use just a single TS cable out from either the L or R output into Blooper? I expect I would lose stereo information from Terra’s delay & reverb this way.

      Or can I use a TRS Y-Split cable into the Blooper, with the two TS ends coming from Terra’s L/R outputs? I expect this would be functionally the same as using just one TS cable.

      Or would I need to use something in between to sum the signals into mono before going into Blooper? Like a mixer, for example?


      #13441 Reply


        Hey dawaim 🙂

        See the manual on page 16, where it states that you can use either of the TS/TRS outputs. “Connecting only one jack to any of the two outputs activates a mono-output mode: the output’s stereo signal folds down into mono. The headphones output then also goes mono”.

        As far as I know, Blooper has only mono I/O, so it would be probably best to use a simple TS mono jack cable from Terra to Blooper, as the latter wouldn’t make any use of the TRS.

        Hope that helped 🙂

        #13442 Reply


          Ah thank you! Yeah I totally missed that in the manual.. appreciate the help and the kindness. 🙂

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