Individual outputs (OUT> pin adapters> 1/4 jacks)

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Home Forums Instruments PULSAR-23 Individual outputs (OUT> pin adapters> 1/4 jacks)

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  • #7826 Reply



      I am quite new to this machine and with no previous experience in modular.
      Like many, I’m learning 🙂
      Sorry if the terminology to express the issue is not precise.

      I read the manual in the relative chapter “1/4 INCH JACK — PIN ADAPTER” multiple times.
      I tried also to find some more instructions on the web, but without success.
      I saw around the same questions not answered a couple of times, so maybe this can be helpful also to someone else.

      If I connect the SD or HHT “OUT>” to one of the six pins with an alligator, the signal arrives correctly to the audio interface (connected via 1/4 jacks).

      The same is not for the BD. The interface “sees” a signal (the meter constantly at max) but no audio is reproduced.

      With the BASS I have a mixed situation: the interface “sees” a signal (the meter constantly a little below max) and the audio is reproduced.

      Could someone please help?

      THANK YOU!


      #12111 Reply


        Did you ever get a response to this? I’m having similar problems on my brand new Pulsar 23.

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