Intermittent loud noises

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Home Forums Instruments QUANTUM OCEAN Intermittent loud noises

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  • #14141 Reply

    William J Turkel

      My QO worked perfectly for many months. Recently it started making loud bursts of scratchy noise from time to time. I tried replacing the battery but this didn’t fix the problem. It is in a room that has relatively little radio noise, and if the Ether is running at the same time, its behavior doesn’t change during the QO noise bursts (so I suspect it isn’t an interference problem).

      #14142 Reply


        Hi William,

        Can you please send an email to Soma support ([email protected]) with this information, as this is the first report of its kind. If it’s possible for you to record this noise that would be very helpful, but please contact support either way so we can help you get this sorted.

        -Soma support

        #14171 Reply

        William J Turkel

          Thank you, I will do that.

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