Midi to “Bass” Problem

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Home Forums Instruments PULSAR-23 Midi to “Bass” Problem

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  • #13374 Reply


      I have a Midi to Bass module problem with the Pulsar 23, in that when I send Midi notes to the Bass synthesis module – from my Oxi-One or Torso T-1 – it plays the notes, but it ALSO plays Midi notes sent to other modules [on different channels]. I’ve tried different channels, just sending a single Midi note to the Bass module, re-setting Midi “Learn”, even removing the internal battery, but nothing works.

      Any advice greatly appreciated. Best, Steve

      #13604 Reply


        I have the same problem, I send midi signals from SuperCollider and it seems like it’s impossible to not trigger BASS module by sending midi to other channels. The only way is to turn down the volume button which is quite unpleasant and limiting  for sure…

        Dear @Soma team, is there any hint or solution…?

        #13611 Reply


          Hi Steve and Antuum,

          That’s a strange behavior. Bass module should not play notes from other Midi channels when set to its own channel. What serial number is your Pulsar?

          It might be some bug in the software but we didn’t came across similar issue before. My guess is Midi channels are merged in some matter. Question is, is it happening before or in the Pulsar? I don’t know exact specs of sequencers you mentioned but maybe there are Midi channel “filtering” settings of some sort which causes the issue.

          Nonetheless there is simple workaround you can try. Bass module in Midi mode has playable range starting from C1 (Midi note 24). You can assign other modules below that range. In that way you’ll have control of all the modules on a single channel and Bass wont be affected by other Midi notes.

          For further support, please send an email to Soma support at [email protected]

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