Pulsar 23’s sequencer won’t sync with MPC Live 2 Clock

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Home Forums Instruments PULSAR-23 Pulsar 23’s sequencer won’t sync with MPC Live 2 Clock

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      I’ve recently got the MPC Live 2 so i can use it as “The Brain” of my live show setup.

      When i connect the Pulsar 23 to the MPC via MIDI cable, the clock of the sequencer of the Pulsar always misbehave and the rhythm i played get’s glitchy.

      The clock dividers work perfectly when i try to patch my groove. it happens only with the sequencer’s clock. When I use my computer as the master clock the Pulsar’s sequencer works perfectly as well. It seems like it happens only with the MPC and specifically when i try to record a sequence on the Pulsar.

      on my Pulsar LRST pin is patched to the 0.25 clock divider pin.

      Though i’ try both Akai and Soma forums to get some answers.


      Thank you!



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