Synching Terra to midi clock in

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Home Forums Instruments TERRA Synching Terra to midi clock in

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  • #13390 Reply


      Hi there, loving the Terra so far but is anyone else having issues with the Terra sequences drifting out of synch with midi clock in? Sometimes it is rock solid and sometimes it moves gradually ahead of the clock. Have tried different ways of configuring and switching on the Terra and clock signal but can’t figure out a reliable method. Any advice most appreciated. Thanks

      #13552 Reply



        If this issue persists, please record a video where you demonstrate this behavior and send it to Soma support at [email protected]

        Please try to replicate the behavior with different sources, ie different MIDI outputs, sequencers and so on. It can help us narrow down what could be going on.


        #14044 Reply


          Thanks for getting back, I thought I had worked out a method and then didn’t use the Terra for a while but trying it again this week the problem persists. I have sent you a video and explanation.  Regards

          #14064 Reply


            Problem is now resolved by updating to the new firmware. Customer support very helpful. Many thanks.

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