Pulsar 23 “Stuck Tone” problem

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Home Forums Instruments PULSAR-23 Pulsar 23 “Stuck Tone” problem

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  • #12916 Reply

    Max Matthews

      Hello everyone,


      I’m having a problem with my Pulsar 23.

      If I play any of the “add” inputs they seem to get stuck randomly. It happens with all four – BD, Bass, SD, HHT

      This causes the pulsar to emit constant output for a few seconds and then it stops.

      Does anybody have a fix for this?

      I have no alligator clips in use at the moment. There is just an audio cable running from the output.


      Thank you, Kind regards


      #12934 Reply


        No fix but just to let know that I sometimes have the same issue.

        #13145 Reply


          Is the internal clock set to its minimum value? If it is, try increasing it.

          I got my PULSAR-23 yesterday and noticed this behaviour, but it only happens when the internal clock is turned all the way left to its minimum value.

          I emailed SOMA support about it. It’s normal PULSAR behaviour – a quirk of the design.

          The solution is to turn up the internal clock a bit.

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