SD Channel Trigger Always On

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Home Forums Instruments PULSAR-23 SD Channel Trigger Always On

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  • #14081 Reply


      The trigger on the SD channel seems to randomly get stuck in the on-state.  It stays “triggered” even after a power off/on cycle.  The only way to stop the triggering is to connect GND to the Trigger pin.

      I am not controlling the Pulsar via Midi (tried the 4 learn button Midi reset without any luck) and the internal tempo is not set all the way counter clock-wise which I know can generate some interesting behavior.

      I do feel like I was able to get the channel to stop triggering a couple of weeks ago but I can’t figure out what I did to make it stop.

      Has anyone experienced this and have any suggestions for making it stop?

      #14082 Reply


        Hi Stefan,

        That it remains triggered after power cycling could indicate there is a fault somewhere in the circuitry. Can you please record a video demonstrating this behavior and send it to Soma support at [email protected], along with the serial number, date of purchase and place of purchase, and your location. Our engineer can then analyse what could be going on with your Pulsar and provide the solution.

        -Soma support

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