Pin triggers and looper recorders

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Home Forums Instruments PULSAR-23 Pin triggers and looper recorders

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  • #6141 Reply


      <div dir=”ltr”>hello ,</div>
      <div dir=”ltr”>
      Would it be possible in a future update or something, to have to possibility for the internal loopers of the pulsar to record events coming from triggers pins ?  Many Time I wanted to do this in the workflow process …

      <div dir=”ltr”>Or do I need to add a classic looper to record my manipulations on these triggers ?</div>
      <div dir=”ltr”></div>
      <div dir=”ltr”>Thanks !</div>

      #6144 Reply


        Hi Dekalboy,

        Thanks for your question. The Pulsar 23 was designed for live rec/playing and the ch. rec to capture and warp their timing among other things, therefore, without a redesign of the touch sensors and associated circuits it would not be possible to record data via CV, trigger outs, etc.

        May i ask, in your scenario, where would the triggers be coming from ? An external sequencer / source ?

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