Reply To: Delay Lines are loosing pitch
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After some experimentation I found that this issue is related to the size of the algorithm, so in:
- Huge hall: the pitch drift starts occurring at the minute or two of the reverb decay.
- Super-huge hall: the pitch drift starts occurring after a few minutes of the reverb decay (not sure how many, maybe 5 minutes?).
- Insanely-super-huge hall: I left this reverb for quite a while (at least 30 minutes) and haven’t noticed any pitch drift. This is the reverb algorithm I’m using now to avoid encountering the pitch drift issue.
I don’t have the exact numbers, sorry, but based on this estimation, you can choose your algorithm based on what decay you want to have. Number 1 would be 1 minute max decay, number 2 a few mins, and whenever you want to freeze and build a Cosmos of sound, use the number 3. The problem is that it is hard to calculate the decay time based on the feedback knob, but you may have an idea after some practice. Use your best guess. I’m mostly avoiding the number 1 reverb algorithm due to this. I hope this would be fixed eventually, but it has been said by Soma that this is how the algorithm works and it’s inevitable. I still wonder why it doesn’t happen in the number 3 reverb then. In any case, I hope this helps you program your algorithms so that you avoid the problem.