Electromagnetic Radiation in QO

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Home Forums Instruments QUANTUM OCEAN Electromagnetic Radiation in QO

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  • #8914 Reply

    Yannick Vogt

      So i received my QO a couple of days ago. I dive into meditation, prepare myself to watch things evolve without me getting too much involved. I can let myself run free, exploring the nuances and variations within the layers. Some parts sound rhythmical, in some other parts i see a sine wave modulating pitch. Sudden noises interrupt my meditation, i wince and i lose track.

      Was this an electromagnetic interference? This noise of interruption appears quite often, sometimes several times per minute, then nothing.

      I’m sitting on the floor of my apartment in an old building, trying to put all my smartphone/computer devices to a different room, power off the rest, no difference. The interruption still continues.

      Today i was sitting in a park, no people around, still the interruption of the continuous stream. then a wind breeze touched me and delivered a similar interruptions. Im confused and unsure. Is this normal behaviour of QO? Am i phantasizing electromagnetic waves that aren’t there? It’s really disturbing my practice from time to time, i can forget about it until it appears and wakes me up and starts my inner monologue.

      Anyone have similar issues with the device? Is it all normal at last?

      Thanks for your feedback, advice, criticism…



      #9486 Reply

      Stefano Senesi

        I also check it! Still try to find out what it is…

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