Few questions…

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Home Forums Instruments TERRA Few questions…

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  • #14078 Reply

    Bernhard Schimpelsberger

      Hello fellow Terra enthusiasts!

      i was hoping you would be able to help me with some insider knowledge.

      1. I want to update my firmware but iam worried that I will loose all my existing, newly created presets.is that so it will the presets stay unchanged?

      2. is there any way to ‘lock’ / freeze the octave shift + – buttons so they don’t have to continuously be pressed while playing?

      3. Has anybody found an easy way to change presets without having to hold down 3 buttons at once (L – triangle – 1-12) ?

      Iam playing with all my hands and hoping to make sound and keyboard changes a bit easier.

      thank you so much for you knowledge and looking forward to learning more.



      #14097 Reply


        Hey Bernhard, welcome!

        1. You can save the presets to an USB drive and reload them after firmware update. AFAIK neither the preset file format nor the engine parameters changed with the firmware updates so far, so you should be fine. (Also you could downgrade again if it fails.)

        2. No.

        3. You don’t need to touch the three sensors at the same time to load a preset. The process is: (1) push and hold L (2) select bank on triangle, no need to hold, you can let go of the triangle button (this step is optional, no need to dial the bank if the right one is already selected) (3) select preset A-D, 1-12. Done. So only two sensors need to ever be touched at the same time to load a preset.


        #14102 Reply

        Bernhard Schimpelsberger

          Peter you are a star!

          thank you very much for this info.

          much appreciated!

          #14103 Reply

          Bernhard Schimpelsberger

            Peter you are a star!

            thank you very much for this info.

            much appreciated!

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