Music Collaboration with Pulsar 23 and other SOMA instruments

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Home Forums PROJECTS MM4MM Music Collaboration with Pulsar 23 and other SOMA instruments

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  • #9339 Reply

    Dieter Herten


      Iám intersted in sharing Pulsar 23 Patches ans sounds/songs. Also planning and performing concerts only with Soma devices plus external effects.

      We can share music song parts an the other add their parts to it and so on. If we have a full concert programm together,

      we can perform it live if somebody whant that.

      #12144 Reply


        An interesting offer. How can I contact you?

        #12145 Reply

        Raul Rivera

          If you are looking for an agency that will quickly and efficiently promote your music hits on streaming platforms and social networks, then contact here.

          #12146 Reply

          Raul Rivera


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