Quantisation questions

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Home Forums Instruments PULSAR-23 Quantisation questions

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  • #14050 Reply


      I have been struggling a bit using the quantisation feature and it doesn’t really work as a would like it to or think it should work. Today I just realised maybe why brag is.

      To get a quarter notes click on the metronome you need to see it to the “2” pin instead of 1/4 pin as you should since it produces a click on both the up and down of the pulse.

      So if you tap in a beat every time the light blink when having the metronome set to “2” pins as suggested by SOMA in their YT tutorial you tap it on every blink right? However when you quantize the beat it will try to see it to when other down beat or when the light is off. So seems like a weird thing or maybe error in design? At least it feel like this to me. When you sequence it with external sequencer you get the beat on the flashing light.

      Maybe this has been discussed before but I haven’t read about it just that people seem to complain that they don’t understand the quantisation.

      Has anyone else come to the same conclusion?

      This is the video I’m referring to: https://youtu.be/Jf8k0iVt9yQ?si=6yDIPvksCVwV-_Jr <span class=”badge badge-notification clicks” title=”11 clicks”>11</span>

      #14051 Reply


        I think I solved this by connecting the LRST-pin to the 0.25 clock divider-pin as suggested in the video… not sure why I didn’t understand I had to do that for the quantisation to work properly. Sorry ☺️

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