simple question from potential buyer

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Home Forums Instruments PULSAR-23 simple question from potential buyer

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  • #14024 Reply


      I read in the manual that pulsar can be controlled by midi CC but there is no midi implant.

      how is it?? is there midi control or not??


      I like others, i guess, want to use a stepsequencer for it. At least I want to know if it´s possible. And not only notes I mean.

      hope for answers.

      Best from Sweden


      #14025 Reply


        ahhh ok I read the manual. The action is with the Midi to CV conversion module at the upper left corner right?


        #14026 Reply


          Hej Peppe,

          Yes, you can sequence Pulsar with a sequencer. Two even. I program three Pulsar modules with my Roland Tr8 and the Pulsar BASS channel with my TB3.

          Pulsar uses a MIDI learn function on each separate module, so you just hold the Learn button on Pulsar while sending it MIDI note information. It can be all on the same MIDI channel, or on different MIDI channels. You need to do it individually for each of the four modules, and then Pulsar will remember the settings.

          If you contact [email protected] today, you may still be in time for our limited time special price on Pulsar btw.


          #14032 Reply


            BeatStep Pro is a great combo.  You can use the Drum sequencer for BD, SD, and HAT voices, and Sequencer  1 or 2 for the BASS voice.

            #14033 Reply


              I have a few stepsequencers that also can send CC to the conversation module.

              I’m having a pulsar in sight on ebay right now. If not getting it i get a new one next month.

              Thanks guys.

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