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    Today I decide to try meditating and using QO at the same time. I sit in my music studio, in the corner on my sofa put on my headphones and switch on the device.

    As soon as the noise starts, the table lamp in the room turns off and my Push2 starts up and playing through the speakers in record arm mode all by itself.

    I’m freaked out, I haven’t touched my music gear since this morning. But this has happened before.

    A year or two ago on my grandmothers
    birthday, I thought about her and then my music gear started up all by itself.

    It would be nice if she’s trying to communicate somehow!

    Anyhow, the meditation is deeper today than normal. But it feels like there’s a bubble around me. It’s the sensation of travelling to the bottom of the ocean in a glass tank or submarine. I’m not wet. Or alternatively the weird experience of sitting safe in a car during one of those automated car washes.


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